Over the summer a team of Wendover Shed members designed, built and completed a major extension to the Shed’s site on Hogtrough Lane. Modestly named “The Outdoor Space,” the new structure provides a large open-sided covered area for working and meeting, that more than doubles the size of the original adjacent metal cabin (nicknamed “The Hog”).

All the construction work was handled by Shed members, with no outside help, starting with CAD design and a 3D printed model prototype by Shed member Dave Walls. The main structure is made from heavy wood beams, where the team learned to make traditional mortise and tenon joints, using big chisels, mallets and lots of welly. There’s a metal roof, sloped to drain water into a collection system for the site.

On top is an array of solar panels linked to batteries that provide enough electricity for the power tools, lights, fridge and vital kettle. The shed is completely off-grid, so controlling the power storage and WiFi was another learning experience for the Shedders.
Another framework supports the floor decking, which was paid for by funding from the Lionel Abel Smith Trust. Other funding has been provided by Clare Foundation, the Wendover and Village Board of Bucks Council and private donations. Wendover Parish Council provides the land, next to the allotments.
The former stable adjacent to the main shed is also being renovated and made suitable and secure as a workroom. This will have LED lamps fed by batteries charged by the small wind generator on the shed.
Established early in 2023, Wendover Shed is a community workspace where practically-minded people are able to meet, work on joint projects (or their own), and share ideas and experience. It is particularly aimed at people who may feel isolated and out of touch with others. Membership is £15 per year.
Monthly “Open Shed” meetings are held to discuss future plans. Potential new members are welcome then, but they can also turn up at any time the shed is open to take a look and ask about membership – currently that’s Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings.
On Friday 13 October Wendover Shed is holding a quiz night at the Wendover Memorial Hall.
On 16 October Bucks Healthcare will be coming to the October Open Shed meeting (at the Wendover Christian Centre on Aylesbury Road at 6:30pm), to talk about men’s health issues. All are welcome.