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One Month Later...

The team at Wendover Shed have been extremely busy since The Hog landed on Hogtrough Lane on 17 February and our official opening on 6 March.

We started our Coffee and Natter sessions on 7 March and these have been a great success. There has been a huge amount of tea and coffee drank, multiple packets of biscuits eaten, and lots of natter. However, we have also managed to get a large amount of practical stuff done, including:

  • Fitted out our kitchen with a gas stove, the all important kettle, and a table and chairs

  • White boards and notice boards erected and put to good use with lists of jobs

  • First-aid and eye-wash station installed

  • Two sets of steps, a ramp and handrail constructed for disabled access to the workshop

  • Upgraded The Hog electrics for battery-based power, complete with replacement LED lighting

  • Taken receipt of a large number of donated tools, storage, benching and materials

  • Fitted out our initial workspace with benching and hand tools

  • Received Wendover Parish Council approval to increase our footprint to include an outdoor covered work area

  • Started to install a "garden shed" for storage of materials

  • The Hog has its own logo!

Is it really only one month since we first opened our doors?!

We continue at a pace and currently have three active projects on the go. Details can be found via the links below:

We continue out Coffee and Natter session through April and hope to open to a wider membership with more focused Make and Mend shed sessions starting in May.


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