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Bob Duggan


Bob has lived in Wendover for over 40 years. He has five sheds of assorted sizes – either involving his wood working business Wendover Wood or his allotment. Practical skills centre mainly around wood working and Toy making and repairs. Other interests involve being a trustee of the Lionel Abel Smith Trust, a trustee of Wendover Dementia support and Chair of the British Toymakers Guild.


Bob has in the past been a chair of Wendover Parish Council and Lead Governor of South Central NHS Foundation Ambulance Trust, the latter involvement being part of his continued interest in NHS Management and its link with the patient. Bob is one of the current chairs of the Buckinghamshire Healthcare Medical Appointments panel and also volunteers for the Health Trust, Rennie Grove, Bucks Hub and Youth Concern.


Having had experience of colleagues and friends, mainly men, suffering from loneliness and isolation, and the varying effects – including suicide, Bob is keen that Wendover organise a shed based on the UK Men's shed model and has spent the last eighteen months in gathering a team together to build the Wendover Shed – both virtually and in reality


Outside of the shed, Bob is keen on his growing family, (watching) rugby and making things happen.

Bob Duggan
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